Episode 25

SPC #025-Across the Hills, Part II

This episode is the conclusion of my long dual cross-country training flight, or the last two legs.  We went from Prescott (KPRC) to Sedona (KSEZ) and shut it down to go have a late breakfast at the excellent restaurant.  Then it was on home to Chandler (KCHD).

I hope you enjoy the episode.  As usual, take a few minutes and let me know what you think.  Also, remember to check out Air Freddy’s Learning to Fly Guide eBook to help support the Student Pilot Cast.  As I mentioned before, Air Freddy has over 9000 hours of dual given, so he’s been around the block a few times.  If you’re thinking about becoming a pilot, his guide may certainly help you prepare, so check it out.  If you use the link above to purchase, the Student Pilot Cast will get credit, and it is much appreciated.

During this flight my instructor, Lary, grabbed my camera and took some shots.  I’ll include a few of them here.

The first two are approaching Sedona.

These next three are approaching the Phoenix valley from the northeast over Mesa, including a shot of Red Mountain.

This last one is our long straight-in approach to Chandler’s (KCHD) 22R.


About the Podcast

Show artwork for The Student Pilot Cast
The Student Pilot Cast
Learning to fly...in front of the world. A Podcast about flight training.

About your host

Profile picture for Bill Williams

Bill Williams

Bill is a papa, a pilot, a geek, a diver, a sailor, a motorcycle rider, and a podcaster. He brings a long if sometimes interrupted history with both aviation and podcasting, along with passion for both to his podcasts. Currently working on his CFI, Bill is dedicated to advancing his skills and sharing his love of flying with others.

Bill hosts the popular Student Pilot Cast where he shares his flight training with the world, bringing the listener into the cockpit and more frighteningly, into his head, to share in the triumphs and the defeats of perpetually learning the art and science of flying.

More recently Bill is also co-hosting the Flight Line Podcast with Tiffany Wolf as they reunite after having been co-hosts on the reborn Pilotcast podcast in the earlier days of aviation podcasting.